press release/statement
We the people of the United States of America have gathered together to
express our views against the oppression of people across the Earth by
the imperialistic policy makers of our government. They want all the
nations of the world to bow down and abide by rules and laws they
impose behind the curtain of the United Nations, yet when those laws go
against the political agenda of the administration they themselves
break the law and feloniously fabricate propaganda to mislead the world
and American people that Iraq has "Weapons of Mass Destruction", and
will use them on America. Evidence to validate this fantasy still to
this day does not exist, even after the CIA unsuccessfully tried to
fabricate documents to prove so. Next we have the shameful attempt by
Governor Bush and his gang to link the unfortunate events of September
11th and Osama Bin Laden to the leadership of the Iraqi Government.
Proof or evidence of which also does not exist. Mr. Bush has been left
with no other card in his deck to play, so he created his own, the deck
of "Wanted Terrorists" within a charade of humanitarianism. The only
way for him to gain any popular acceptance is to have a campaign of
misleading propaganda to make us believe that he's on a self-righteous
mission to liberate the Iraqi people, and that this war is a war about
freedom and democracy for the people of Iraq. This is yet another
delusion of grandeur by our so-called fearless leader. He will not
hoodwink or deceive us! America's oppressive foreign policy, which
resorts to bribery, corruption, dirty dealings, and murder
assassination, will continue to produce hatred, mistrust, and
animosity. This dangerous environment that our policies have bred puts
us at far greater risk of being blind sided and harmed by threats
unknown. This threat multiplies with each aggression toward the nations
of the world. Aggression sometimes concealed behind diplomacy, which
can be more dangerous than war itself. This hostile behavior must stop.
If we are going to start opening the books and passing judgment on
world leaders lets not hesitate to start with members of our
government. Let's also call out the governments of some our so-called
allies. Then we can all be playing eye-to-eye on an even field. Until
then, take a stand to S.T.O.P. the oppressive politics. Stop the
killing of other nation's children and bring our sons and daughters
The Movement